9月23日,“平安北京”发布一则消息:北京公交警方持续开展“猎狼”专项行动,今年1至8月共拘留猥亵、侵犯隐私等违法犯罪人员285人。此前中国银保监会一李姓处长在“猎狼行动”中被当场抓获,被行政拘留10日。 猎狼小组 近年来,地铁等公共交通工具上的性骚扰事件频频发生,为了应对这一局面,2017以来,北京市公安局公交总队共成立32支“猎狼小组”,在全市轨道交通系统内铺开了一张猎捕“色狼”的网。 The police in the Chinese capital are on their toes as reports of sexual harassment on subways in Beijing this year rocketed to 285 cases by the end of August. Some Chinese cities have taken measures to curb this menace by launching apps that alert groups at risk of harassment and introducing special subway carriages and buses for women and kids. 今年9月,监控录像记录下北京地铁乘务员飞身擒色狼的一幕 刘华是“猎狼小组”的一名组长,他介绍说,四惠站派出所主要管辖地铁1号线、八通线的9座车站,其中国贸站、四惠站、四惠东站等地铁站是北京重要的地铁枢纽,日均客流210余万人次。中国传媒大学、北京外国语学校、CBD办公区等在此辖区内,年轻女性乘客较多,因此,这几处地铁站成为“色狼”出没的重灾区。 "Crowded trains provide sex offenders opportunities to commit the crime, as they can claim it was accidental. During rush hours, people flow into the carriages, and if women get harassed, they usually do not know who assaulted them. They may not react because they are trapped or feel embarrassed to shout out," said Liu Hua, the head of police on patrol in Beijing's subway lines. However, Liu encourages women to fight the offenders or ask people around for help. 关于“色狼”,刘华介绍说,“色狼的职业和年龄各不相同,干什么的都有,有大学教授、政府工作人员、企业高管,也有农民工和无业人员,年纪大的,五六十岁的也有,年纪小的,还未成年。” 由于受害者多为女性, “猎狼小组”中还专门配备女民警,帮助受到侵扰的女事主,进行笔录等后续工作。 世界各国如何对待“性骚扰”的? 在泰国曼谷,人们发起社交话题#我们得做些什么#(Theung Wela Pheuk),倡议路人及时阻止“咸猪手”的行为。 此外,东京、德里、马来西亚和里约热内卢等城市在公共交通上设立了女性专用车厢。马来西亚政府甚至专门为女性提供了亮粉色的巴士和地铁。 A women-only coach on a train in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Photo: Alamy In Bangkok, a campaign titled "Theung Wela Pheuk" (Time to Intervene) encourages bystanders to prevent harassment through timely intervention. Similarly, the Tahadi Association in Casablanca, Morocco, launched a campaign in 2017 to encourage bystanders to intervene. Tokyo, Delhi, Malaysia and Rio de Janeiro also provide women-only sections on public transport. Malaysia has bright pink women-only buses and trains.